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Voice of Albania – Magazine
How the Tirana incinerator company supported the Ajola Xoxa project
New electoral map of Alabama upsets Democrats
The European Union will not lift sanctions on Kosovo unless the government de-escalates tensions with Serbia
New antibody study reveals a much higher rate of Covid 19 infections
Queen Elizabeth comforts british people with her unforgettable address
Germany’s devolved logic is helping it win the coronavirus race
North America
New electoral map of Alabama upsets Democrats
Federal Judge Limits Biden Officials’ Contacts With Social Media Sites
Federal agency powers in the crosshairs at the US Supreme Court (Reuters)
Brexit road trip day 4: Northern Ireland
Are Your Children Racking Up Charges From Mobile Games? Here’s How to Fight Back
U.S. and Taliban Agree in Principle to Peace Framework, Envoy Says
Southern Balkans
How the Tirana incinerator company supported the Ajola Xoxa project
The European Union will not lift sanctions on Kosovo unless the government de-escalates tensions with Serbia
ECtHR rules that Albanian ex-judge Admir Thanza wasn’t given adequate opportunity to defend himself
South America
Who is Juan Guaidó, the self-proclaimed interim president of Venezuela?
Woman who bore rapist’s baby faces 20 years in El Salvador jail
Which countries grant unconditional birthright citizenship?
Telenor announces Danish 5G pilot using Nokia technology
WTO chief sees no end in sight to U.S. blockage
Spain welcomes provisional Brexit airline deal
Telenor announces Danish 5G pilot using Nokia technology
WTO chief sees no end in sight to U.S. blockage
Spain welcomes provisional Brexit airline deal
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Lajme Ne Shqip
How the Tirana incinerator company supported the Ajola Xoxa project
Inceneratori i Tiranës çdo ditë ‘gëlltit’ miliona lekë, Veliaj duhet te dale para drejtesise- Albana Vokshi
Inceneratori i Tiranës, sprova e vërtetë e SPAK
How the Tirana incinerator company supported the Ajola Xoxa project
Inceneratori i Tiranës çdo ditë ‘gëlltit’ miliona lekë, Veliaj duhet te dale para drejtesise- Albana Vokshi
Inceneratori i Tiranës, sprova e vërtetë e SPAK
Inceneratori i Tiranës çdo ditë ‘gëlltit’ miliona lekë, Veliaj duhet te dale para drejtesise- Albana Vokshi
Inceneratori i Tiranës, sprova e vërtetë e SPAK
Vendimi që shpalli Ilir Beqjan hajdut të parave të shqiptarëve. A ka moral të kërkojë uljen e pensioneve?
Olta Xhacka akuzohet per korrupsion dhe i behet kallezim penal ne prokurori
Fshihen kontratat dhe fondet dhe ne kohen e corona virusit
Qeveria bën ndryshim të vendimit për importin e makinave të përdorura
Art dhe kulture
Kritika për sjelljen e Dua Lipës në prapaskenë
Historia e “afro-shqiptarëve”
Elvana Gjata nga Kosova, ka një surprizë për fansat
Shkence dhe Teknologji
Shfaqen fotot e Xiaomi Mi 9, përpara lansimit
Në SHBA implementohet teknologjia që bllokon thirrjet robotike
Tani mund t’a rezervoni modelin tuaj Samsung Galaxy S10
Fshihen kontratat dhe fondet dhe ne kohen e corona virusit
Numri i infeksioneve ne Spanje peson ulje
Shenjat paralajmëruese se mund të jeni prekur nga hernia diskale
“Dopietë” medaljesh të arta, Majlinda Kelmendi triumfon në Gjermani
Kushëriri i Emiliano Sala ngre dyshime për vdekjen e futbollistit
Agjenti i Gjimshitit: Inter dhe Schalke janë interesuar për futbollistin
Shkëlzen Berisha sot feston ditëlindjen, urimi i Arminës
Adrola Dushi kërkon ndihmë
Fansat e Dua Lipës “fiksohen” pas babait të saj, Duki më i kërkuari në Twitter
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Vende Pune
February 25, 2025
Alabama election: Democrats defeat Roy Moore, dealing huge blow to Donald Trump
Ina D.
Dec 13, 2017
Doug Jones becomes first Democrat to win any statewide office in Alabama in decades after Moore’s campaign for Senate marred by sexual assault claims Roy Moore’s stunning defeat reveals the limit of Trump-style politics Doug...
White House staffers are cracking under the pressure of the Mueller probe: report
Ina D.
Dec 12, 2017
NBC chief White House correspondent Hallie Jackson says White House staffers are terrified of being swept up in special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation, despite President Donald Trump’s evidence-free belief he’ll be exonerated in the probe. “For...
Protests as medieval artworks are removed from Catalan museum
Ina D.
Dec 12, 2017
Hundreds of demonstrators stood at the doors of a museum in Catalonia in a bid to prevent the transfer of medieval artworks to outside the region. The 44 artworks, including burial caskets and sculptures, were brought...
Global Conflicts to Watch in 2018
Ina D.
Dec 12, 2017
As conflicts ignite and burn and flicker out around the world, U.S. officials assess the dangers they represent back home. Not all of these conflicts directly threaten American interests, which is why the Council on Foreign...
The prospect of a Roy Moore victory should make your stomach churn with fear
Ina D.
Dec 12, 2017
At what point does corporate America start disinvesting in the Republican party? Not any time soon seems to be the answer. Having rushed a tax bill through the Senate that will deliver tens of billions in tax cuts to...
EU says ‘no’ to Netanyahu
Ina D.
Dec 12, 2017
EU has rebuffed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and refused to follow the US move in recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It was a resounding ‘no’ to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request for...
Albania’s Parties Feud Over New Chief Prosecutor
Ina D.
Dec 11, 2017
As the Albanian General Prosecutor’s five-year term ends, the ruling and opposition parties are still haggling over the appointent of a temporary replacement. The five-year mandate of the General Prosecutor in Albania is ending without any...
Kosovo Commission Calls Montenegro Border Deal Damaging
Ina D.
Dec 11, 2017
The Kosovo government’s new commission on the border deal with Montenegro has attacked the agreement, saying it endorsed a border that did not follow Kosovo’s previous border, when it was a province of Yugoslavia. Kosovo’s government...
Macedonia and Greece Reboot ‘Name’ Talks
Ina D.
Dec 11, 2017
After three years of stalemate, Skopje and Athens are rebooting UN-sponsored talks on their dispute over Macedonia’s name, which has been holding up the country’s Euro-Atlantic integration process. The fresh round of talks in Brussels on...
Putin’s Re-election Is Assured. Let the Succession Fight Begin.
Ina D.
Dec 11, 2017
MOSCOW — Ask Russian analysts to describe the coming presidential election campaign, and their answers contain a uniform theme: a circus, a carnival, a sideshow. What they do not call it is a real election. With...
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Feb 25, 2019
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Feb 20, 2019
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Feb 20, 2019
Torte për Shën Valentin
Feb 14, 2019
Analize dhe Opinion
Inceneratori i Tiranës, sprova e vërtetë e SPAK
Nga Ola Xama Hetimet e Prokurorisë së Posaçme për çështjen e inceneratorëve nuk mund të quhen ende se kanë marrë rrugën e duhur dhe se arrestimi/ kërkesa për arrestim e disa zyrtarëve që kanë patur...
Ermal Hasimja me qëndrim ndryshe nga Gjergj Bojaxhi
Ndonëse e rendit veten në opozitë ndaj qeverisë së Partisë Socialiste, ish-zv/ministri i Energjisë, Gjergj Bojaxhi nuk i ka dhënë mbështetje vendimit të opozitës për djegien e mandateve të deputetëve. Madje, në emisionin ‘Top...
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