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How the Tirana incinerator company supported the Ajola Xoxa project
New electoral map of Alabama upsets Democrats
The European Union will not lift sanctions on Kosovo unless the government de-escalates tensions with Serbia
New antibody study reveals a much higher rate of Covid 19 infections
Queen Elizabeth comforts british people with her unforgettable address
Germany’s devolved logic is helping it win the coronavirus race
North America
New electoral map of Alabama upsets Democrats
Federal Judge Limits Biden Officials’ Contacts With Social Media Sites
Federal agency powers in the crosshairs at the US Supreme Court (Reuters)
Brexit road trip day 4: Northern Ireland
Are Your Children Racking Up Charges From Mobile Games? Here’s How to Fight Back
U.S. and Taliban Agree in Principle to Peace Framework, Envoy Says
Southern Balkans
How the Tirana incinerator company supported the Ajola Xoxa project
The European Union will not lift sanctions on Kosovo unless the government de-escalates tensions with Serbia
ECtHR rules that Albanian ex-judge Admir Thanza wasn’t given adequate opportunity to defend himself
South America
Who is Juan Guaidó, the self-proclaimed interim president of Venezuela?
Woman who bore rapist’s baby faces 20 years in El Salvador jail
Which countries grant unconditional birthright citizenship?
Telenor announces Danish 5G pilot using Nokia technology
WTO chief sees no end in sight to U.S. blockage
Spain welcomes provisional Brexit airline deal
Telenor announces Danish 5G pilot using Nokia technology
WTO chief sees no end in sight to U.S. blockage
Spain welcomes provisional Brexit airline deal
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Lajme Ne Shqip
How the Tirana incinerator company supported the Ajola Xoxa project
Inceneratori i Tiranës çdo ditë ‘gëlltit’ miliona lekë, Veliaj duhet te dale para drejtesise- Albana Vokshi
Inceneratori i Tiranës, sprova e vërtetë e SPAK
How the Tirana incinerator company supported the Ajola Xoxa project
Inceneratori i Tiranës çdo ditë ‘gëlltit’ miliona lekë, Veliaj duhet te dale para drejtesise- Albana Vokshi
Inceneratori i Tiranës, sprova e vërtetë e SPAK
Inceneratori i Tiranës çdo ditë ‘gëlltit’ miliona lekë, Veliaj duhet te dale para drejtesise- Albana Vokshi
Inceneratori i Tiranës, sprova e vërtetë e SPAK
Vendimi që shpalli Ilir Beqjan hajdut të parave të shqiptarëve. A ka moral të kërkojë uljen e pensioneve?
Olta Xhacka akuzohet per korrupsion dhe i behet kallezim penal ne prokurori
Fshihen kontratat dhe fondet dhe ne kohen e corona virusit
Qeveria bën ndryshim të vendimit për importin e makinave të përdorura
Art dhe kulture
Kritika për sjelljen e Dua Lipës në prapaskenë
Historia e “afro-shqiptarëve”
Elvana Gjata nga Kosova, ka një surprizë për fansat
Shkence dhe Teknologji
Shfaqen fotot e Xiaomi Mi 9, përpara lansimit
Në SHBA implementohet teknologjia që bllokon thirrjet robotike
Tani mund t’a rezervoni modelin tuaj Samsung Galaxy S10
Fshihen kontratat dhe fondet dhe ne kohen e corona virusit
Numri i infeksioneve ne Spanje peson ulje
Shenjat paralajmëruese se mund të jeni prekur nga hernia diskale
“Dopietë” medaljesh të arta, Majlinda Kelmendi triumfon në Gjermani
Kushëriri i Emiliano Sala ngre dyshime për vdekjen e futbollistit
Agjenti i Gjimshitit: Inter dhe Schalke janë interesuar për futbollistin
Shkëlzen Berisha sot feston ditëlindjen, urimi i Arminës
Adrola Dushi kërkon ndihmë
Fansat e Dua Lipës “fiksohen” pas babait të saj, Duki më i kërkuari në Twitter
Salmon me oriz
Tortë me bajame
Këtë gullash do ta parapëlqeni shumë
Vende Pune
February 23, 2025
Rachel Roddy’s recipe for focaccia
Ina D.
May 29, 2018
Driving through Wales last weekend, the sun blazing and grassy verges flanking narrow lanes with an irrepressible explosion of wild flowers that seemed to buff the car like a spring carwash, we kept noticing houses with...
Tamal Ray’s recipe for pistachio and redcurrant frangipane tarts
Ina D.
May 29, 2018
Icould happily spend an entire day munching on pistachios – the salted kind, roasted in their pale shells as a quick snack. I like to use the unsalted variety for sweet bakes, ground into a powder...
Chilean villagers claim British appetite for avocados is draining region dry
Ina D.
May 17, 2018
British supermarkets are selling thousands of tonnes of avocados produced in a Chilean region where villagers claim vast amounts of water are being diverted, resulting in a drought. Major UK supermarkets including Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose, Aldi...
Yotam Ottolenghi’s tamarind recipes
Ina D.
May 16, 2018
The sharp and sweet acidity of the tamarind fruit is a much-loved tool of Indian and Pakistani cooks, as well as other parts of Asia and the Middle East. But it has never become a key...
Meera Sodha’s vegan recipe for aubergine larb with sticky rice and shallot salad
Ina D.
May 16, 2018
There is something primally delicious about larb, a salad from Laos in which the dressing is king. It’s rare for a dish to tick all the flavour boxes, but larb is sweet, sour, salty, bitter and...
Rye crackers with whipped goat’s curd and greens
Ina D.
May 9, 2018
Prep 10 min Cook 30 min Serves 4-6 For the crackers 150g rye flour 150g plain flour 5g dried yeast 2 tsp salt 1½ tsp linseeds 300ml warm water For the topping 500g swiss chard 200g peas 1 garlic...
Salt cod and sweetcorn fritters
Ina D.
May 9, 2018
Prep 30 min Cook 10 min Serves 4-6 160g flour 1 pinch salt 100ml water 100ml milk 100g butter 250g whole eggs 100g sweetcorn kernels 200g salt cod, poached and flaked 1 tsp sugar 10g dried fennel seeds 1...
The best party snacks
Ina D.
May 9, 2018
Crab and fennel tarts (pictured above) Prep 1 hr Chill 1-2 hr Cook 30 min Makes 12 For the pastry 175g butter, diced 200g plain flour, plus extra for dusting 2 tsp grated parmesan 1 egg yolk 15ml ice-cold water...
Founder of Worms maker Team17 in line for £50m windfall
Ina D.
May 8, 2018
The founder of the Yorkshire-based video games company behind hits such as Worms is set for a £50m windfall from a stockmarket listing valuing the business at up to £230m. Debbie Bestwick, 48, founded Team17 in 1990 and...
How to make the perfect rhubarb crumble
Ina D.
May 3, 2018
If the proof of the pudding is in the eating, then crumble is comfortingly solid evidence that the best desserts aren’t delicate or even pretty: this isn’t a dish to stun social media, but it will...
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Te ndryshme
Salmon me oriz
Feb 25, 2019
Tortë me bajame
Feb 20, 2019
Këtë gullash do ta parapëlqeni shumë
Feb 20, 2019
Torte për Shën Valentin
Feb 14, 2019
Analize dhe Opinion
Inceneratori i Tiranës, sprova e vërtetë e SPAK
Nga Ola Xama Hetimet e Prokurorisë së Posaçme për çështjen e inceneratorëve nuk mund të quhen ende se kanë marrë rrugën e duhur dhe se arrestimi/ kërkesa për arrestim e disa zyrtarëve që kanë patur...
Ermal Hasimja me qëndrim ndryshe nga Gjergj Bojaxhi
Ndonëse e rendit veten në opozitë ndaj qeverisë së Partisë Socialiste, ish-zv/ministri i Energjisë, Gjergj Bojaxhi nuk i ka dhënë mbështetje vendimit të opozitës për djegien e mandateve të deputetëve. Madje, në emisionin ‘Top...
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