January 13, 2025

Australian party leader hails speech calling for ‘final solution’ on Muslim migration

Bob Katter, the veteran Queensland political maverick, has lauded an inflammatory speech by his Senate representative, Fraser Anning, declaring the contribution “absolutely magnificent” and “everything that this country should be doing”.

As political leaders moved in lock-step to condemn Anning’s speech – which praised the White Australia policy, called for an end to Muslim migration, and invoked the term “final solution” – Katter, the leader of Katter’s Australia party, struck a starkly different note, declaring the speech had his “1,000% support”.

In a bizarre press conference where he upbraided journalists as “racists” for referring to his father’s Lebanese heritage, Katter backed Anning’s call for a ban on Muslim immigration, and declared current non-discriminatory immigration policies were “bringing in the persecutors”.

Katter, who surprised many people in politics by doubling down on Anning’s comments, said he was “sick and tired of the lily pad left” and migration programs that brought people “from overseas, from countries with no democracy, no rule of law, no egalitarian traditions, no Judeo-Christian background”.


For more read the full of article at The Guardian

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