February 24, 2025

North Macedonia takes its seat at the NATO table for the first time

It was a historic day for the Republic of North Macedonia on Wednesday, as the country took its place at the table of NATO allies for the first time.

The country’s defence minister, Radmila Shekerinska, noted her excitement to be the first minister to represent North Macedonia at the NATO headquarters in Brussels for a two-day meeting of defence ministers.

“Today… we leave the isolation of the past behind us,” she wrote on Twitter. “And we step into the future as part of the Alliance’s family.”

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Радмила Шекеринска


Денеска е голем ден! Денеска го заземаме нашето место на масата на НАТО. Го оставаме минатото на изолација зад нас и зачекоруваме кон иднината како дел од семејството на Алијансата.

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was quick to return the pleasantries.

“Glad to welcome defence minister Radmila Shekerinska to the Republic of North Macedonia’s first NATO ministerial as an invitee,” he wrote on Twitter alongside a photo of himself and Shekerinska.

“Thank you for your strong personal commitment to our Alliance.”

Jens Stoltenberg


Glad to welcome Defense Minister @Sekerinska to the Republic of North Macedonia’s first ministerial as an invitee. Thank you for your strong personal commitment to our Alliance.

While North Macedonia is not yet officially a NATO member — officials signed an accession agreement last week in order to pave the way towards membership — it is still permitted to sit at the NATO table as a guest.

Read more The Euronews

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