February 25, 2025

Domino effect ensues as EU leaders line up to recognise Venezuela’s Guaido

Europe has begun turning its back on Venezuela’s incumbent president, Nicolas Maduro, after he missed his Sunday deadline to call for presidential elections to take place.

One by one, European leaders publicly announced their recognition of National Assembly chief, Juan Guaido, as the country’s interim president.

A joint statement from the EU is expected later today.


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez led the charge on Twitter, saying he recognised Guaido with a “clear view: the call for free, democratic presidential elections, with guarantees and without exclusions.”

Pedro Sánchez


Reconozco como presidente encargado de Venezuela a @jguaido, con un horizonte claro: la convocatoria de elecciones presidenciales libres, democráticas, con garantías y sin exclusiones.
No daré ni un paso atrás.
Por la libertad, la democracia y la concordia en

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United Kingdom

UK Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt followed suit less than a minute later, confirming the “UK, alongside European allies, now recognises Juan Guaido as interim constitutional president until credible elections can be held.”

“Let’s hope it takes us closer to ending the humanitarian crisis,” he added.

Jeremy Hunt


Nicolas Maduro has not called Presidential elections within 8 day limit we have set. So UK alongside European allies now recognises @jguaido as interim constitutional president until credible elections can be held. Let’s hope this takes us closer to ending humanitarian crisis

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Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said he supported Guaido “to restore democracy in Venezuela, which has suffered for too long from bad socialist management and an absence of rule of law.”

Sebastian Kurz


El régimen de se ha negado hasta la fecha a aceptar unas elecciones presidenciales libres y justas. Por este motivo, consideramos desde este momento al Presidente @jguaido como Presidente interino legítimo de conformidad con la Constitución venezolana.

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Danish Foreign Minsiter Anders Samuelsen applauded fellow messages from Europe in his recognition message to Guaido.

Anders Samuelsen


Denmark recognises the President of the National Assembly @jguaido as the interim President of until new free and democratic elections take place. Applaud similar statements from key EU partners. Important EU statement coming up

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Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom confirmed in an interview on local radio on Monday that Sweden had also recognised Guaido as the legitimate interim president, referring to a statement from the EU that is due to be released later today.


French President Emmanuel Macron also joined the list, saying “Venezuelans have the right to express themselves freely and democratically.”

“France recognises Juan Guaido as “president in charge” to implement an electoral process.”

Emmanuel Macron


Les Vénézuéliens ont le droit de s’exprimer librement et démocratiquement. La France reconnaît @jguaido comme « président en charge » pour mettre en œuvre un processus électoral. Nous soutenons le Groupe de contact, créé avec l’UE, dans cette période de transition.

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Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs also tweeted on behalf of his country, calling “for free, fair and democratic presidential elections” under Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president.

Edgars Rinkēvičs


Latvia recognises and supports Mr. Juan Guaidó, President of the democratically elected National Assembly, as President ad interim of . We call for free, fair and democratic presidential elections @jguaido

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In a lengthier statement, the Latvian foreign ministry added that it “believes that democracy, consistent respect for human rights in line with international standards should be restored in Venezuela, and a peaceful solution to the crisis must be achieved.”

“Nicolas Maduro’s claims to the presidency are not legitimate and do not correspond to a democratic state system,” it said.


“We expect free and democratic elections, strongly support ICG, initiated by the EU. Democracy and rule of law in Venezuela must be restored, human rights protected.”

Linas Linkevicius


joins other MS in supporting & acknowledging @jguaido, President of @AsambleaVE, as VZ President ad interim. We expect free & democratic elections, strongly support ICG, initiated by EU. Democracy & rule of law in must be restored, human rights protected

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs 🇵🇱


Phone call between FMs and Roberto Ampuero Espinoza 🇨🇱

The chief of Polish diplomacy told that in view of Nicolas Maduro’s failure to call early presidential elections, Poland intended to recognize @jguaido, as 🇻🇪 interim president.


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“We want freedom and democracy to return to Venezuela ASAP.”

Stef Blok


The eight-day period to call for free democratic and transparent elections in Venezuela expired today. The Kingdom of the Netherlands recognizes @jguaido as interim-President of Venezuela. We want freedom and democracy to return to Venezuela asap. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/kamerstukken/2019/02/04/kamerbrief-situatie-in-venezuela-over-erkenning-van-juan-guaido 

Kamerbrief situatie in Venezuela over erkenning van Juan Guaidó

Minister Blok (BZ) informeert de Tweede Kamer over de erkenning van Juan Guaidó.


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“For us, Guaido is in tune with Venezuela’s transitional president’s constitution to organise free, fair and democratic presidential elections.”

“Our concern continues to be for the people of Venezuela who are suffering from the dramatic supply situation. Germany will provide five million euro in humanitarian aid to Venezuela as soon as the political environment allows it.”

Heiko Maas


Ich bedaure, dass Maduro der Aufforderung der EU, freie und faire Präsidentschaftswahlen einzuleiten, nicht nachgekommen ist. Für uns ist Guaidó im Einklang mit der Verfassung Venezuelas Übergangspräsident, um freie, faire und demokratische Präsidentschaftswahlen zu organisieren.

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