March 1, 2025

Halloween contact lenses: Eye-popping horror

Snake eyes, fluorescent colors, or jet-black pupils — for Halloween, wannabe witches and make-believe monsters turn to contact lenses to complete their costume. Some can damage your eyes.

Help, eye'm suffocating!

Help, eye’m suffocating!

With many fun lenses, the color seals your eye’s pores, and the eyes don’t get enough oxygen. In time, the cornea can swell up and your vision could deteriorate. Even part-time Halloween zombies should be concerned about this one.

No laughing matter

No laughing matter

Listen up, clown! Without oxygen under your lenses, a closed-off, moist environment forms. Bacteria can multiply easily there. That increases the risk of pink eye and cornea infections, so even after dropping the costume, you’ll still be horrifying.

Here's looking at you, kid

Here’s looking at you, kid

When a contact lens’s pigment is right on the surface, bacteria can stick even better. The safer option? Lenses that sandwich the color between two layers and therefore help protect your eyes.

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