February 23, 2025

The brave one: why Jodie Foster is Hollywood’s ultimate survivor

The actor is made up to look old and weary in Hotel Artemis – perhaps it’s how she feels inside, having navigated more than 40 years of challenging roles, surviving stalkers and directing Mel Gibson

Playing a 70-year-old nurse who hasn’t been outside for 20 years, she looks pale and grey. It turns out to be makeup (she’s only 55 in real life) but you wonder if this is how Foster feels on the inside, given her long, strange career.

Foster was always old beyond her years. At about the same age Emma Watson was enrolling at Hogwarts, Foster was playing a child prostitute in Taxi Driver. By that stage, she had made more movies than Martin Scorsese. Even in Bugsy Malone, her Tallulah seemed like an adult among kids. In Freaky Friday, she was literally playing a 30-year-old woman in a 14-year-old’s body.


Foster’s career-break student years at Yale weren’t exactly carefree either, thanks to her involuntary association with John Hinckley, the man who shot Ronald Reagan. Hinckley said he did it in Foster’s name, having developed an obsession with her via Taxi Driver. The 18-year-old Foster organised her own press conference, and performed in her college play six days later, not knowing there was a second stalker in the audience who planned to kill her (but changed his mind after deciding she was too pretty). After all that, you could understand if Foster never acted again, or even left the house.

For more read the full of article at The Guardian


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