March 12, 2025

‘New Balkan Route’ for Migrants, Refugees Causes Alarm

Security and human rights ministers from the region will meet in Sarajevo on June 7 to agree on new measures to tackle the ongoing migrant crisis affecting mostly Bosnia, trading blame on who is responsible for the potential crisis.

The recent rise in people using Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and partly Serbia as a new transit route to reach Western Europe with the some Balkan country’s accusing each other of not doing enough to protect the borders.

According to the announcement, Bosnian authorities insisted on the regional meeting after complaining about “lack honesty“ in the neighbouring countries and pushing migrants and refugees toward Bosnia.

Bosnian security minister Dragan Mektic said on May 30 that there is an increase in the number of migrants from Iran and that in this sense, Bosnia country has a serious problem because Serbia has abolished visas for Iranian citizens.

“We are facing a serious problem because Serbia has abolished visas to Iranian citizens. They [migrants] legally come to Serbia, and they pass us [Bosnia] illegally and go to the EU.

“We do not have the right to determine Serbia to whom the visa regime is to be introduced, but Serbia should give us readmission without any problems,“ Bosnian security minister Dragan Mektic told a press conference on May 31.

He said that announced that an international migration conference will be held on June 7 to which all countries of South-East Europe, including Austria and Hungary, are invited.

“At this meeting, I will ask the questions that need to be answered, and that is to be correct and honest and whether we will fight migration or how we will shift the problem to someone else’s yard.

“I have information that some countries show that they have from the beginning of this from 100 to 300 migrants, from where then we have five thousand, “Mektic told.

Mektic also said that the European Union Crisis Fund approved a million euros help for Bosnia.

For more read the full of article at The Balkaninsight

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