December 26, 2024

House of iKons Returns During London Fashion Week


Founded by Savita Kaye under Lady K Production, the House of iKons successfully draws in fantastic crowds since the launch in 2014. Savita Kaye’s ambition is for House of iKons to be a global brand, known for launching emerging designers. Working with global media partners has enabled House of iKons shows to be aired worldwide to millions of viewers.

House of iKons’ latest production during London Fashion Week will take place September 17th 2018 at the Millennium Gloucester London Hotel.

In addition to House of iKons DURING London Fashion Week, shows have taken place in Los Angeles, Bangkok Beijing, Dubai and Abu Dhabi and partnered with official Budapest Fashion Week.

Designers have been signed to departments stores, boutiques, wardrobe for music videos and working with major celebrities such as Beyoncé, JLo, Katy Perry, Lady Ga Ga, Paris Hilton, Brtiney Spears, Tyra Banks to name but a few.

House of iKons has been created as a platform to launch emerging designers to the next level. Models and presenters who have taken part with the House of iKons shows here in London, Dubai and Los Angeles have also benefited. Working in TV and film.

As well supporting new emerging fashion creatives, but also supporting emerging music artists giving them a platform to perform and providing exposure via events here in London and abroad.

House of iKons is working with a number of charities and organisations providing internships and work experience in fashion, media, event planning and filming.

Few highlights from what to expect. Mimi Parrel Pimentel; this amazing designer creates and designs directly for The President of Republic of the Philipines and the First Family. This will be their first time in London exhibiting with government officials flying direct from the Philipines to celebrate and support this designer.

Lavender Rose Designs: This is an inspirational story that has touched many hearts already about this young designer. Sharlene an amazing mother and wife. Sharlene is a self taught designer and her 8 year daughter Tayla gave her mother the inspiration to make designs. Tayla enjoys modelling and catwalks as a hobby, but Tayla has SENSORY ISSUES that go hand in hand with her AUTISM, so Sharlene decided to start making Tayla a few cloths. But recently Tayla has run ideas past her mum about colours, shapes, designs and creativity. Tayla, is a beautiful 8 year old child has got so down about making friends, as she can’t understand why she can’t make friends. So Sharlene decided that they both need to do something together. Tayla who is only 8 years old has inspired her mother to create and design, the designs and creativity are from Tayla.

For more read the full ofa article at The Fashionweekonline

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