March 12, 2025
Ljubljana, Vila Podrožnik. Delovni obisk hrvaškega premierja Andreja Plenkovića. Prihod hrvaškega premierja pred Vilo Podrožnik, kjer ga je pričakal slovenki premier Miro Cerar. Foto: Bor Sla

Croatia, Slovenia Meet to Tackle Border Dispute

Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar visits Zagreb on Tuesday in an attempt to move forward in resolving the long-running territorial dispute with Croatia over waters in the Piran Gulf.

After months of rows and cancelled meetings, Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar is visiting Zagreb on Tuesday to meet his Croatian counterpart Andrej Plenkovic in the hope of moving forwards towards a resolution of the territorial dispute between the two states.

Relations with Slovenia deteriorated in June this year when the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled in favour of Slovenia over the territorial dispute about waters in the Piran Gulf.

The Croatian government maintained the position of the previous administration in Zagreb, which was to claim that the arbitration process was compromised.

In July 2015, Croatia revealed recordings of unauthorised phone conversations between Jernej Sekolec, the Slovenian judge on the court, and Simona Drenik, the representative of the Slovenian government.

Ahead of the meeting in Zagreb, Cerar met leaders of his coalition partners in Ljubljana on Monday.


For more read the full of article at The Balkaninsight

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