March 12, 2025
Kryetarja e Komisionit te Kualifikimit, Genta Tafa, duke folur gjate ceremonise se inagurimit te godines ku do te ushtrojne funksionin tre komisionet e reformes ne drejtesi. Zyrat e reja ne te cilat do te punojne komisionet e Vettingut ndodhen ne ish-ndertesen e Lidhjes se Shkrimtareve dhe artisteve ne Rrugen e Kavajes. /r/n/r/nThe head of the Qualification Committee Genta Tafa speaks during the inauguration ceremony of the premises where the 3 committees of the justice reform will operate. The new offices are located at the former building of the Writers and Artists League, in Kavaja Street.

Lack of Transparency Hampers Albania’s Judicial Vetting Reform

With three new institutions finally established to vet Albania’s future judges and prosecutors, judicial reform looked promising. However, observers worry a lack of transparency will erode public trust in the process. 

Standing outside the gates guarding the Independent Qualification Commission, where the League of Writers used to be, an officer from the Albanian special forces, the Republican Guard, cut our questions short. We were not allowed in.

“This is a secret institution of special importance. We cannot allow media access without approval,” he told BIRN.

After our insistence on some kind of communication with the body set up to vet prospective judges and prosecutors, another employee, presenting himself as the Chief of Internal Security, said officials from the commission had a message for journalists.

“The official [responsible for] coordinating Public Relations has not yet been appointed. For this reason, we are unable to provide any information regarding transparency,” he said.  

For more read the full of article at The Balkaninsight

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